Cloud Computing: An Overview Of Raspberry Pi Owncloud

By Amy Fox

The world of technology is never devoid of changes, with new concepts coming up every now and then. Not long ago, only a few people imagined that one could save data without necessarily having to invest in storage equipment. This concept was brought into reality by cloud computing. Many tech firms have built huge data centers to support this initiative, and computer manufacturers are taking charge. If you plan to hone your skills in this sphere, you might want to learn a little bit about the Raspberry Pi Owncloud.

By using Raspberry Pi, the possibilities of what you can do or become are endless, which is unlike what you are bound to experience by opting for an pre configured service, Drop Box being a good example. As a user, you get the enviable opportunity to configure your machine for cloud computing in a procedural manner. Nothing quite beats the feeling of control that comes with it.

It may be fairly easy and convenient to sign up for a pre configured service. However, doing the set up process personally gives you an edge over other professionals in the tech sector. You get to learn how cloud systems work in depth and create your own service from scratch, from the hardware to the software.

Learning everything from the beginning is undoubtedly tedious. The skills you ingrain in yourself in the process will make you a most sought after professional in the field nonetheless. The first step is gathering all the necessary hardware.

They are a USB storage drive, a wireless network card, a Raspberry Pi computer chip and a plastic enclosure for the entire circuit board. The items should be easy to find in computer shops. Alternatively, you can order them online and await your delivery at home.

Once you have all the aforementioned hardware in place, you may get down to the real set up process. The first process involves setting up the network. This is important as you will require network connectivity for your software downloads.

By default, the computer does not have a fixed IP address. You will have to input one on the network interface. Your Linux scripting skills should be up to scratch in order to pull this off successfully. After setting the IP address and the subnet mask, be sure to save the changes to the configuration file.

With the network finally working, proceed to update the operating system. You should be patient as this is likely to take a while. Also check for updates for other crucial programs. One great way to check for updates is by using the update command in a onetime process. Next, ensure the update configurations are error free.

With the updates done and dusted, next comes the main software download. This is the software that will turn the computer into a cloud storage device. The software is available for download free of charge from the Owncloud website. Once through downloading it, ensure you activate it by running the required commands in a terminal. Lastly, specify the drive to use for storage and the installation will be complete.

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