After Switching To VOiP Systems Philadelphia Companies Save Money

By Donald Patterson

The world of commerce has become a true battlefield. Competition is fierce and only those offering the very best service can hope to survive and to grow. Customers have more options than ever before and their loyalty depends upon superior service. Companies must be able to communicate effectively if they want to remain competitive. By opting for VoIP systems Philadelphia businesses make sure that their clients will never be out of the loop.

Internet based communication is not a new concept. Initially, not many people or companies were interested because a reliable internet connection was needed to make the system work. Over the past few years, internet connectivity has spread like wildfire and there is hardly a spot anywhere in the world where reliable and fast internet access is not available. Subsequently, internet based communication suddenly soared in popularity.

Many new clients consider internet communication from a cost point of view. Suppliers promise huge savings and they are not wrong. Large companies have been surprised to learn that their previous communication bills have been halved after they moved to an internet system. But internet communication not only save companies money. It increases their profits because it enhances client satisfaction and it increases the productivity of all employees.

One of the biggest past frustrations of businesses was the fact that one had to be physically present at a very specific workstation in order to make or receive calls. The telephone extension served as a type of chain, making it impossible to move from one location to another without risking the possibility of losing and important call. Internet communication do not require any user to be at any specific place in order to take a call.

Another huge benefit of an internet based communication system is that all the data relevant to each user is stored in the cloud. It therefore does not matter what device the users uses to access the system. It can be a smart phone, tablet or laptop computer and it can be anywhere. All the users data is always synchronised and always available. Users are not forced to carry specific devices with them. They can use any device that can access the internet.

Then there is the fact that an internet system is so feature rich. They still offer users all the features that they were used to, such as call forwarding and voice mail, but they also offer the ability to transmit data, to schedule video conferences, to make use of voice to email and voice to fax functions and many other features that makes live easier and more productive.

Older switchboards were expensive to install and to maintain. A separate installation at every location was necessary and each location required a full time operator. If a single installation failed, the ramifications could be felt company wide, leading to losses and frustration. An internet system is installed once centrally. The operating software is hosted by the service provider and they are responsible for maintenance.

It seems as if the future of telecommunications lies in internet based systems. They are affordable, reliable and very efficient. One wonders what other communication marvels wait in the near future.

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