Stages To Identifying A Reliable MS Excel Programmer San Jose

By Dennis Clark

Finding the right talent to handle a technology project is a process that involves a myriad of steps. In the end, the best candidate is one who can provide a simple and effective way of solving problems albeit without compromising the quality of the output. If you are looking for someone to automate your accounting structure, you should opt for an MS Excel programmer San Jose.

Unlike traditional tech projects that involve coding stand alone programs and websites, the kind of programming in MS Excel is pretty simplistic. It primarily revolves around the use of small sections of visual basic code and macros to achieve automation. A programmer does not necessarily have to learn more challenging programming languages like assembly, C and Java.

Nevertheless, the kind of programmer you hire should be one who has a wealth of knowledge in programming the frontend and backend of systems. This means having a solid grasp of relational database systems, macros, visual basic programming and interface design. Having said that, below are the steps you should follow if you want to get someone you can fully count on for the work at hand.

The first thing you should do is develop a hiring strategy. You have two options when it comes to this. You may choose to work with a freelancer or hire a fulltime employee. If your project is core to your business or organization, you might want to choose the latter. This is because chances are you will need regular tech support, and a freelancer is not the best person to count on for that.

After this, candidates ought to be shortlisted. In this stage, you should only ensure you shortlist those who possess the experience and skills that are in sync with the job requirements. When looking for programming talent, it is bad practice to generalize the nature of the job. A job description ought to clearly spell out duties and the requirements expected of candidates.

Once you draft your shortlist, schedule a date for interviews to be held in rounds. A multiple stage interview process will ensure you test the psychomotor skills of your candidates. There should be a clear balance between social and practical skills. Everyday programming involves lots of teamwork, so you need an individual who can easily integrate with others and has the right practical skills at the same time.

Papers do not mean much when it comes to tech roles. A candidate might have graduated top of his class but not be a good programmer. Your core guiding factor should be the skill that one possesses. Ensure you inquire about other similar projects that the person might have undertaken. There should be a practical stage in the interview process.

Skill is the sole factor that sets one apart in technology. Good practical tests are the scenario based ones. When you identify someone you believe in, hire him before he gets snapped by someone else.

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