Why Businesses Need To Invest In Collaborative Technology Solutions

By Diane Barnes

It's safe to say that the advent of enterprise networking heralded the fall of email as the communication platform of choice. Unlike the latter, collaborative technology solutions allow teams to coordinate efforts in real time instead of spending hours scouring through one's inbox. Taking into account the increasingly-competitive nature of the modern commercial landscape, it's only natural that you'll want to know what benefits you could reap from adopting such a platform.

A fully-networked organization provides an incentive for individuals to become more invested in one another. People don't just push information back and forth all day long. Rather, the ability to communicate instantly allows individuals who were previously isolated to check on each other more often. Added up, such sentimental links equate to greater unit and a more effective team.

While it is important to segregate duties across departments, this has to be balanced with the need to collaborate towards achieving the same objectives. While email tends to lose its effectiveness when used on this scale, networking platforms achieve the exact opposite by speeding up decision-making processes. This is mostly because the latter substitute email chains with simpler notification features.

With a collaboration portal in place, managing documents and resources becomes a seamless process. Once they are uploaded to the system, files can be stored in whatever fashion one prefers. More noteworthy is the ease of retrieval that comes as a result of centralized storage. Additionally, opting for a cloud-hosted platform will all but guarantee you of unlimited space and bandwidth.

Email is an inherently closed system where access to the information held in one account is limited to its owner. From an company-wide perspective, this is a bottleneck preventing the flow of intellectual capital within or, worse, a potential silo where it will be forever locked up when the said individual leaves. In contrast, enterprise networking allows access to all but unauthorized parties. It also prevents losses that might result from staff turnover.

With the number of remote workers on the rise, the need to expand your workspace to cover the globe will only continue to press. That aside, you can't afford to discount the value of collaboration technology even if your workforce isn't scattered geographically as yet. With studies confirming that creative inspiration is best sought outside one's workplace, tapping into your employees' ideas from wherever they are is crucial.

Communication channels of old no longer cut it when it comes to employee engagement. With millennials rising to become the largest demographic in today's workforce, the need for companies to rethink their approach here has never been more pressing. This means switching to a platform that can convey messages in other ways besides written and spoken word, a description that aptly fits that of enterprise networking.

Project management tasks will be less complicated and more fruitful with a collaborative platform on board. Everything from resource apportionment to tracking deadlines will be streamlined, which means you'll spend more time focusing on goals. The rise in performance following the adoption of enterprise networking will obviously be appreciated by your clients, especially if the system also allows them to participate.

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