Case Study: Paid Verses Free Webplayer

By Ruth Thomas

The multimedia world is always evolving and changing for the better. Try and picture the way consumers used to experience music some ten years ago. Compare that with the situation in the today World and you immediately get the gist of what this article is all about. Web applications, in particular, the webplayer is the primary focus of this brief review.

Web players did not make an appearance on the stage until some fifteen years ago. Most of the original applications have, however, been completely discontinued and phased out now. With the passage of time they ended up losing their relevance as a result of the new and advanced solutions in the marketplace

The creations were meant to redefine the way end-users experienced videos and audios downloaded from the web or played via the Internet. Since videos and audios come in many different formats, there was a need to streamline the way the end results played on the various gadgets people use. This software was built for that exact purpose; to decode the various formats and render them for an improved output.

The performances of the software make use of the different codecs to decode the input. Every day sees to it the release of yet another new codec. For instance, the renowned software developer known as DivX has come up with three incredible solutions. These are the MPEG-4, the H. 264/MPEG-4 and the HEVC ULTRA HD codecs. Together, these utilities serve to improve the abilities of our devices when it comes to living streaming and progressive playback options.

When it comes to acquiring the appliances people can either purchase them or download them for free. The paid software are a notch higher than their counterparts. They come loaded with a rich plethora of mouth-watering features and amazing specifications meant to ensure the subscriber gets and out-of-this-world experience. Another benefit is that one receives regular support and protection from viruses.

A majority of the consumers, however, are still using the free versions. The software is easily found in the Google Play Store and other web-based locations as well. Just head there today and no matter the operating system you are using, you are bound to find something designed just for you. The free versions, however, do not receive the regular updates, and there is no customer support function. Updates help to keep the software running efficiently and free from bugs.

With everyone opting for HD video content nowadays, it pays to familiarize oneself with this line of products. Learn about which ones are capable of delivering a faster and a seamless streaming experience on the various operating systems. That will most certainly lead you to download and own more than one web browser players on the same device. Some for using in an area with limited internet connectivity and others for when you are at high-speed hotspots.

Take your time before you finally agree to the terms and conditions outlined for the different players out there. At times, it is not a good idea to go for the free items. Some of the best video experiences you will ever get are courtesy of the paid applications. They do not cost a lot, just a few bucks per months and the consumer gets free albums streamed right to their devices the moment they launch in the marketplace.

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