Pokemon GO is taking the world by storm, whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you. Players are stumbling across dead bodies, finding their soul mate, and even literally dying from the game. It's becoming unhealthy for many people and two men from Encinitas, California would more than agree with that statement.
Two men hopped a fence and ignored a sign warning of the dangerous drop ahead to catch some virtual critters in the popular mobile game. Sadly, the two were unable to catch any Pokemon because they walked straight off a cliff!
One of the men fell roughly 80 feet and the other 50 feet to a beach below and were later rescued and taken to a nearby hospital. The two suffered no serious injuries and are currently recovering in the hospital but one can only assume it was a pretty painful experience.
Even though the game tells you right before you start that you should be aware of your surroundings when playing the addictive mobile title, people are still finding themselves in these stupid situations. So please folks, keep an eye out for any dangerous obstacles ahead of you so you don't wind up dead or with broken legs. There are safer ways to become the very best and to catch them all!
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