Powering Up With Retro Gaming

By Sarah Phillips

It should be said that the world was both always and not always modern. Always because modernity is relative. Compared to early hominids, the Middle Ages, with the plagues and the lack of running water, would be fairly modern, and not always because in the current age, everything that came before it is primitive. But again, all of that is relative. And being a little backwards is not always a bad thing, which is why some people engage in retro gaming.

Before anything else, it needs to be explained what a videogame is. The truth is that it is a lot like a movie. There is a main character, there is a plot, and there is some action. But the main difference is that in a videogame, the main character is controlled by a player.

Now, gaming is simple. It is the act of engaging in the playing of videogames. But like all things in life there are levels to it. Some are very casual, only playing on their phone during their morning commute. Others are a little more passionate, become electronic athletes that are treated like basketball or football stars.

People do it for quite a number of reasons. There are lots of people who pick up an older videogame just so they can relive their childhood. For others, particularly younger players, it is history. It helps them realize just how far technology has managed to progress in a relatively short time.

There are going to be lot of things needed to engage in it. Sure, a gamer can just get a regular PC to run an emulator, but that is no fun. For the real experience, the actual consoles from a bygone era are shall be needed, and depending on the games being played, it shall require multiple consoles, as some titles were exclusive to certain system.

Of course, none of the equipment is just going to magically appear. In fact, it will cost quite a lot of money. So would be gamers should be ready for that. Even when inflation is taken into account, the games and consoles might still end up being sold well above the market value they had when they were first released to the general public.

Of course, finding the titles and the equipment needed to actually run those titles will be a task in and of itself. Thankfully, the internet is something that exists. So all that needs to be done is to scour online merchants to find what is wanted and needed.

Now, if all else fails, the last resort is always the library. This is because while they are best known for being a place of books, they will have other forms of media as well. While it is likely that the videogames that they have in stock will be fairly recent, there is a small chance that some of them will have older titles, the exact kind that can trigger nostalgia.

The thing about being alive is that it can drag on. Sure, some people can find meaning and purpose, but the moments in between that can be rather long. So a few things done to spice it up should be present.

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