Talking About Pressurized Liquid Extraction System

By Harold Myers

Well what do we have here? A topic involving chemicals and dangerous liquids that children or unprofessionals should never have responsibility to tackle with? Lucky us, we fit neither criteria of being professionals or adults. We just suck that much. So strap yourselves in because we are going to compact and neutralize anything that we know about Pressurized Liquid Extraction System.

Ever wondered if it possible to create something completely extraordinary using chemicals? Do not get us wrong, speaking about some sort of extracting system may be a stretch when it comes to this but just think about it. We have always had this funny fantasy of powers being achieved if chemicals were used.

Not really accurate but this type of topic diversion is definitely safer than assuming what we were supposed to know with pressure and liquid, even with all the research we could do with it. As generalized as this is, it would take a lot patience and focus to keep us on track. Give us a break. It washard enough to study things we were not inclined to be interested in, now we need to half ass our way through it?

But even with all the differences this one has with the last, his luck in terms of family is still the same. Same screwed up life, it seems. This time his mother seems to be the one who likes to abandon the rest. Where in the past life he had hated his father, this time his mother takes the cake.

Screw the quota, there is the rejected ones to be worried about. We understand that there are guidelines to follow, but Jesus Christ. We appreciate the editing, editors, especially when you have to work past our lazy messes. But it would not hurt to give us a break every now and then. Even if it was mostly our fault for being lazy about writing.

Gildarts Clive is probably the strongest mage in all of the show. We cannot really explain what his power is, but his strength is reminiscent in the way we feel when see All Might in the other anime My Hero Academia. Whenever he appears, no matter how strong and scary the opponent is, you can always count on him to save the day.

The reason he died last time was because of the government too. Corrupt and power hungry bastards who will not think twice to get rid of someone just because they pose as a threat. Is it poetic irony that he lost his second, third?, father to it? In fact, why does he keep getting entangled with them anyway?

Do not feel too bad. We are not even trying that hard here. But we can admit that when we all were a child, we liked to fantasize about receiving powers through the means of chemical science. We now are aware of that being impossible though.

It just is the same with consuming dangerous acid. Doing the same to mysterious and colorful liquids might give you the same outcome. So, our advice is to not do it.

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