Nano Hummingbird

Nanotechnology has created some cool inventions and this nano robot is one of them.
It was recently recognized by Time Magazine as one of the best inventions of 2011.

These types of robots are often funded as military robots for unmanned aerial vehicle research. The Nano Hummingbird was developed for the Nano Air Vehicle Program of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The objective of this project was to model the flight characteristics of a hummingbird because of it's precision flying and hovering capabilities.

This robot flies in any direction, hovers, and can turn on it's own axis, which makes it ideal for entering and maneuvering within buildings.

It has a 6.5 inch (16.5 cm) wingspan, a flight speed of 11 mph (18 km/h) and a flight time of about 20 minutes.

The propulsion and control systems are embedded in the wings. It also carries a battery, transmitter and a color video camera. Amazingly, the whole thing weights less than a AA battery (19.5 grams).


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