Pokémon GO : It seeks Pokémon ... and finds a corpse!

Pokémon GO brand currently the world with an indelible imprint. The game is over and the players make the Internet each day after day. After the visits to the police, a young American born in Riverton Wyoming discovered a corpse at its research Pokémon.

While young Shayla Wiggins, 19, had approached the edge of a river to catch a Water-type Pokémon, the unfortunate there discovered a body floating. Shocked, the trainer called 911 (US utilities) before resuming his journey. According to police, the body was floating for less than 24 hours. Nice this reality "augmented" ...

Meanwhile, the police have not made further announcements about this. The irony would be to learn that the man has died after falling from a cliff, went in search of a Pokémon. Ok, it's going too far, but the evening was hard ... and do not forget that death, as creepy as it is part of life. In its final design, I agree.

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